Public Realm Survey

The Brooklyn Heights Association is dedicated to advocating for improvements to the quality of life in our wonderful neighborhood. An important area of focus for the BHA is engaging and educating our community around the “public realm,” in other words, all of the spaces and places where we have shared encounters each day. Sidewalks, streets, parks, and plazas are the areas where we can come together, socialize, intermingle and experience the neighborhood. We believe that the quality of our public realm is vital if we are to be successful in creating environments that people want to live and work in.

To that end, we are partnering with Councilmember Lincoln Restler, The New York City Department of Transportation (NYC DOT), and the Montague Street Business Improvement District to solicit feedback from community members and important institutions in Brooklyn Heights on this topic! NYC DOT is currently collecting community feedback via a Public Realm Community Planning Survey. This survey asks how you use our streets and sidewalks and what you would like to see going forward to improve the quality of life in this arena. The survey covers Clark Street to State Street and Furman Street to Court Street as well as active and formerly active Opens Streets on Montague, Joralemon, Remsen and Aitken Place.

It is important to hear from as many stakeholders as possible. Whether you are Brooklyn Heights residents, you have children who attend school in Brooklyn Heights, you attend services or events in Brooklyn Heights or all of the above, your input is critical and could impact the future of our neighborhood for decades to come.

We believe that improvements to the public realm are investments in sustainability, public health, and community connectedness and well-being. And, they often go hand-in-hand with a thriving small business community. Please take 10 minutes to complete the survey here.

Thank you!