Mar 6 | First Unitarian Congregational Society
At this year's meeting, we will review our 2024 accomplishments, share our plans for 2025, honor our Community Service award winners and offer you the chance to ask questions about what's happening in Brooklyn Heights now and in the future.
Following the meeting, we hope you will join us for a short reception to enjoy some refreshments and the opportunity to connect with your neighbors in person.
Doors open at 6pm and meeting will start promptly at 6:30pm. The meeting is free and open to the public.
We hope to see you there!
Jun 12
Dec 20
Hundreds of people from Brooklyn Heights, Cobble Hill, DUMBO, Fulton Ferry, Vinegar Hill and Downtown Brooklyn participated in DOT-led workshops in early December to review preliminary design concepts for the Atlantic to Sands section of the BQE corridor. We want to THANK YOU for making time in your schedules at this very busy time of year to engage in this critical and complicated process. Turnout matters!Read More…
Mar 8
We are very pleased to introduce to you the BHA’s new President, Koren Volk. Koren will serve in this capacity until March 2024.Read More…
Aug 4
Eighteen months after his expert panel submitted recommendations, and four weeks after we published an op-ed in the NY Daily News, Mayor de Blasio has announced plans for the short-term repair of the Triple Cantilever. The proposed measures will maintain the structure long enough to allow for the development of a long-term vision for the future of the entire corridor.
DOT’s plans for the shoring up of the cantilever include implementation of measures to stop water infiltration and slow down corrosion, reduce the lanes from six to four, expand monitoring of the structure’s health, and install weigh-in-motion technology to reduce overweight trucks on the structure (pending final approval from the Governor). These measures will extend the life of the structure for 20 years.Read More…
First Unitarian Congregational Society 119 Pierrepont Street (at the corner of Monroe Place). At this year's meeting, we will review our 2024 accomplishments, share our plans for 2025, honor our Community Service award winners and offer you the chance to ask questions about what's happening in Brooklyn Heights now and in the future. Following the meeting, we Read More...