Dear Neighbors, Although we needed no reminder, Tuesday’s storm and the reported 6,000 downed trees in Brooklyn alone reinforced the fact that 2020 isn’t finished with us quite yet! In spite of the encouraging news that NYC has had zero Coronavirus deaths for three straight days, we are still struggling with so many unknowns – how and when will our children go back to school, what will our city be like after the failure of so many small businesses, cultural institutions and nonprofits, and really, when will this finally be over? For me personally, the “silver lining” has been seeing how people here in Brooklyn Heights (and many other places) have individually and collectively acted to support others. You have shopped and cared for vulnerable neighbors, uplifted our spirits with the joy of live performance (thank you Peter), clapped, cheered and placed thank you signs in windows for our essential workers and first responders, and donated your money and time to many worthy causes. A special thank you to those who supported the BHA’s Brooklyn Heights Together which raised an incredible $52,000 and put emergency cash grants in the hands of 148 laid off or furloughed workers from Brooklyn Heights’s restaurants and bars, retail and grocery stores, fitness studios, bodegas, coffee shops, child care establishments, and more! Throughout the spring and summer the BHA has responded to a great many quality of life issues, as well as matters of transportation and development. Keep reading for an update on the BQE and additional neighborhood news. And if you don’t already, follow the BHA on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter as we often post neighborhood news there in addition to in this e-newsletter. Stay safe, Lara PS: And please, please, please complete the 2020 Census! |